Many of catholics may say that avoiding videogames is the best protection against this weed. It may be true but let's think. Aren't we facing weeds in our real, common life? Is not true that we cannot avoid those? It is.
Instead of telling them that videogames are bad we should rather show them WHY they MAY be bad. By showing them those weeds in game we can prepare them for dealing with weeds they WILL face in their real life. But it's difficult. It takes effort to play games in order to know what to avoid. By forbiding joy of videogaming to our children ex cathedra we are are taking a shortcut at the same time putting them at risk of inciting rebel against our authority. So this effort may be a blessing for our family bonds.
This site is intended to help parents and their children to tell plants from weeds in videogames. Since art became industry it takes double effort. In long term it may encourage our children to fight those who sow videogames weeds by sowing their own videogames plants, in nomine Patris et Filis et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.